Happy 7th Birthday, Yi Hong!

Yi Hong was born on 9 July 2001 at 6.46pm, in Singapore; weight 3.89kg. He is 7 years old and he is a little ‘man’ now. But, he is still Mummy & Daddy’s baby and he said he will stay ‘single’ so he can be with us forever. We love him so much.
We hold a cinema party for his birthday and invited 9 boys from his class to watched ‘KungFu Panda’ on Saturday. I thought it would be a good idea to get 10 boys sitting quietly for 2 1/2 hours. Well, they were very well-behaved thru out the film. Except they got too excited when they came out from the theatre and started demonstrate their ‘KungFu’ skills. After that, they had the McDonald ‘KungFu’ Happy Meal in a ‘party room’. Yi Hong had a wonderful time with his friends and he love all his presents, of course.
American Chopper

One Response to “Happy 7th Birthday, Yi Hong!”

  1. Amy Manwaring Says:

    Min — The pictures are absolutely precious! It is hard to believe how fast time flies by. I really didn’t realize how fast life goes until I had children. I have learned that I need to enjoy every single moment.

    Yi Hong — Happy Birthday! (a few days late — I’m sorry) It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. I hope to be able to see you all again very soon.


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