Summer Fete

Summer Fete was the biggest event in school during Summer term. The first time we went to Summer Fete was only a month upon we’ve arrived in England. I thought it was a very meaningful day as parents, family and teachers will helped out, hand in hand to raised money for school. Danny helped setting up and manning the stalls. Children enjoyed the most whereby you can see them running around to different stalls but would always came back to their parent asking for more money. They’ve successfully raised more than two thousand pounds in just 2 hours.
YH was doing a ‘favor’ and tried to win pint glasses for Danny.6012_100072979009_726429009_2209976_5946104_n
Yi xuen with her best friend, Lucy.6012_100073004009_726429009_2209981_3126737_n
What were the boys thinking? Standing close to the loud speakers.

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