Good News! Bad News!

There were a lot of things happened for the past 1 week. Good news, bad news; Happy, Sad; Surprise, Shock; Up, Down. I suddenly think about LIFE!

Good News:
1. Roseline, my good friend & ex-colleague, had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Rachel. When I saw Roseline in Singapore on Mar, she was just 3 months pregnant and still slim and charming. I am so happy for her.
2. Corrina, a close friend of us in England, also given birth to a 8lbs baby boy – Harrison. He is such a cute baby with beautiful eyes, sharp nose and he will be a handsome ‘prince’ when he grown up. It’s a blessing to this loving, wonderful family.

Bad News:
1. A mum from our village school died after falling 200ft down a mountain during her family holiday. She was such a lovely, fun person. She couldn’t stop smiling when she talked about her 6 years old daughter. She was a keen supporter of the school and was an active joggers. People in the school and our village feel so sad about losing her.
2. A father of YH’s classmate collapsed last weekend and is in the hospital now. He is a healthy and fit person as I seen him running in the village quite often and he participated in Great Eastern Run last year. Why it happened to him????

I think this is what we called – LIFE! We should appreciate whatever we have, savour every moment, treasure every minutes with our loves one and tell them how much we love them.

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