Archive for March, 2009

London Museum

March 29, 2009

28 Apr 2009 – We made a very educational trip to London today. Not chinese grocerries shopping in Wing Yip or check out the latest model in Apple, but visited Natural History Museum and Science Museum.
Natural History The Museum is particularly famous for its exhibition of dinosaur skeletons, and ornate architecture is particularly famous for its exhibition of dinosaur skeletons , which the kids enjoyed the most. The museum was opened in 1880’s. It is home to life and earth science specimens comprising some 70 million items within five main collections: Botany, Entomology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Zoology. We couldn’t finished visit every area in a day.

Next to Natural History Museum is Science Museum. It made up of a number of galleries, like Exploring Space, Flight, Making the Modern World. Admission is free but we do pay to watch a IMAX 3D movie – Deep Sea. It was amazing!

Piccadilly Circus

The next day, YH & YX spent 2 hours in the garden, tried excavating T-rex bones.

Sleeping Beauty

March 29, 2009

Yi Xuen is ‘well known’ for being an easy sleeper. She is not picky about bed, mattress, pillow…. she can sleep anywhere, anytime… all she has to do is close her eyes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.



March 25, 2009

play·date [ pláy dàyt ] (plural play·dates)



date for children to play: an arranged time when children are brought together to play under supervision, often at one another’s homes


Adult’s playdate
The Dae’s Karaoke-ing

Mothering Sunday

March 25, 2009

This was the first Mother’s day of the year because I’m still hoping to celebrate the second time in May. Yi Hong and Yi Xuen each made me a beautiful card and gave me some beautiful Daffodils.
We went to Springfield, Spalding for shopping. Danny shopped the most. I wondered if it was Father’s Day???

Superstar on board

Wei-En Tsen

March 25, 2009

My beautiful niece was born in the afternoon on Friday 20 Mar, 2009. She was weighted 3.455kg and 51cm long. I can’t wait to see her!!!!
Click the following link for more pictures!

Class Assembly

March 25, 2009

I really enjoyed school assembly. This is the time when the children can ‘show-off’ what they’ve learnt in school.

In Yi Xuen’s class assembly, the children demonstrated their mental sum, read their own poem, shown us their books of Kenya (they made it by using computer) and did a special dance – ‘Hannah Surprise’. The children learnt about life cycles of various animals and they even had a human baby visited their class the week before. Besides, the class incubator housed more than a dozen chicken eggs which is ready to hatch. 4 chicks was born over the weekend and all the children were so excited.

With Yi Xuen’s class teacher, Mrs Stevens

Hamerton Zoo

March 25, 2009

Yi Hong had been begging Daddy about going to Hamerton Zoo. He went to the zoo during his school trip last year and he absolutely loves it. It is located about 40 min drive from our home. A wildlife park with more than 100 species including white tigers, cheetahs, wolves, lemurs, marmosets, meerkats, wallabies and a unique bird collection with rare and exotic species from around the world. Yi Hong and Yi Xuen loves playing in adventure playground and Yi Hong even climbed to the top of Pinnacle and Pointe climbers, which is more than 15 feet high. They become more confident and ‘brave’ ever since we came to England.

My Own Bedroom

March 9, 2009

Yi Xuen had been sleeping in the ‘Pink Room’ (Pink carpet guest room) few days ago and she decided to have her own room. She didn’t want to share a room with her brother anymore. Hence, we went to ‘Ikea’ at Milton Keynes to get some bedroom furnitures for them. It took us 1 1/2 hour drive to get there. I miss my home in Singapore then because we have a ‘Ikea’ in our neighbourhood and probably just took us 10 min drive. We bought a wardrobe and some storage shelves. We spent about half-a-day to re-assemble, move and got all the toys re-arranged. Yi Xuen refused to put her little doll house in her room. She thought it was ‘baby’ and ‘big girl’ room shoud have Rock Star poster and other cool stuff.
Yi Hong’s Room
Wardrobe and Study Table

Yi Xuen’s Bedroom

Basketball + Spring

March 9, 2009

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Beautiful sunshine but windy. We were cycling to our village park as Danny wanted to practised his basketball skill. Yi Xuen said ‘ Just like ‘Troy’ in High School Musical.’ Spring flowers started blooming. What a wonderful day.

Moody Mei Mei

Drama Queen

March 4, 2009

As a girl, Yi Xuen tends to be very sensitive over little, little things. Sometimes, she would act over the top and say something extreme. She could shed her tears anytime, anywhere.

Common phrases that she used:
“My leg had broken!” – just a little cut
“You’ve ruined my life.” or “You’ve destroyed my life.” – when she was upset
“My brain is not working” – when she didn’t feel like answering a question
“I wanted to be good, but my brain told me to be bad.” – when she did something wrong

Today, Yi Hong and I were waiting for Yi Xuen to finish her drama class at school, Yi Hong said “Yi Xuen doesn’t need to learn drama, SHE IS ALREADY DRAMA ENOUGH.”

She demostrated expression of Happy, Angry and Sad.